Our Story
Started in 2011 by cycling , devout weekend racer and music nut Russ Jones. It all started with a single one-off jersey design but the genie was out of the lamp and the future look bright so a brand was born and a dream came alive.
Since then there has been many designs, a full range, a race team, events, a mountain bike series and so much more. Representing Hackney and all its creativity and diversity is where we are at but at the end of the day it's all about people. You, me , us. People not profits and social enterprise is our aim that benefits all whilst having a good time and looking good. Cycling is at the core but it is really about a live-right lifestyle and mentality. Make the most of everyday. Treat people and the environment and as we would like to be treated. Create jobs, support young people and help people to live healthy, that is what we like to do. Inclusive not exclusive , love wins, #free-styling. .