London 2 Africa Pt 2
Wow. What an unbelievably epic ride. Beyond all expectations. The route cannot be recommended enough. Riding to raise money for south London youth charity we raised over £40 000 and to top that we were blessed all the way with some of best cycling one could hope for. From beautiful cycles paths the length of France to three mountain ranges, ancient cities, deserts and epic downhills in Spain to a day trip to Morocco. It was a three week adventure that goes beyond words. The pics and videos tell more of the story. Thanks to official photographer Nahwand Jaff for some excellent photos.
Thanks to everyone who supported the cause and followed the story on our social media accounts. You can still make donations at
There is already discussions for something similar next year so anyone interested please stay tuned for further news.
We had celebrity youtube blogger Fun For Louis on the ride. Check him with him at for some excellent episodes of the whole trip.
Yours truly Russ Jones was creating a few facebook live videos along the way. See my twenty minutes , eight miles downhill broadcast here